
What Does Success Mean to YOU?

Are you chasing after someone else’s definition of ‘success’? If you don’t have your own description of success, relating to goals you’d like to achieve, things you aspire to do, or the type of person you want to be, you might be pursuing things that once obtained or...

Trustworthy Leadership

Trust is the key for building successful employee relationships; it is also the driving factor for success in personal relationships. The absence of trust is a one-way ticket to failure. People in general, as well as employees and customers, are more suspicious than...

Leaders Are Readers

The headline of an email caught my eye. “People who read business books make more money – a lot more!” The article continues and states that “According to a number of studies, businesspeople, who read at least 7 business books a year earn over 2.3 times more than...

Leaders Must Model Tough Empathy

Much is written relating to a leader’s requirement to be caring, demonstrate empathy, and sometimes even show their soft and human side. This can result in an attempt to try and please everyone’s requirements. The saying goes “When you're all things to all people,...

Finding the Right Solution

Have you ever suggested a solution, proposed an option or even prepared a project scope and quoted a fee, and then later found out it wasn’t the right decision? Under-informed or mis-informed solutions aren’t really solutions. In fact, they can cause more problems if...

Negotiate on Your Value

Have you ever been in a meeting with a prospective client where they tell you they love what you’re proposing, and want to work with you, and then state your price is too high? And then they add that if you can just do something about the fee/price/cost, then I’m sure...

Focus on the doers, not the watchers.

If everyone who says that they’re “in”, showed up, be they a team member, friend, fan, or long-term customer, amazing things would happen. Things would change and progress would be evident. Managers and leaders spend a lot of time trying to get their staff engaged and...

Personal Goal Setting

Success is not achieved by goal setting alone. Many people set ambitious goals but do not move the needle. Lasting success is achieved by having goals that are supported with an action plan, measurable objectives and supporters or accountability partners to keep you...
