
“I’m Gonna Tell’ Em What I Think”

It sure feels good when you tell someone what you really think. Especially when they deserve it. You get it off your chest; tear them a fresh page and hopefully teach them a lesson. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Most of the time it only creates tension,...

Walk Your Talk – Create a Tribe

It is easier to defer and deflect to others’ shortcomings or failures than to deal with our own. We often defend our attitudes or perspectives based on what we do/don’t do and how we’re different from others to justify our behaviours and beliefs.  When this attitude...

The Stop Doing List

Many people spend an enormous amount of time talking about what they should do more of, or be better at, and that’s where it typically ends. This can be summarized as… “After all is said and done, more is said than done” Dreaming, aspiring and envisioning are all...

Don't Sugar-coat Bad News

No one enjoys delivering bad news; however, there are times when it must be done, by you, to bring about change or address difficult situations. How you present and deliver the news will directly affect how employees react to it and ultimately accept it. There is no...

Connecting for Success

According to leadership author John Maxwell, "Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them." Connecting (aka - building a relationship, having rapport or a bond) with people gives you an edge...
