We typically think about taking action in order to bring about change or to achieve progress. However, inaction can lead to results as well but the outcomes are usually not the ones desired. Acting too fast, and in the wrong way, can also create problems and have negative results.
Inaction due to procrastination and apathy are negative and can even be destructive whereas inaction due to the desire to reflect and evaluate options can be very beneficial.
To improve your effectiveness start by being more mindful and aware of your actions and the potential consequences. As a leader, increased self-awareness of the impact of your actions, or inactions, can have a significant impact on your organization or team.
Think about the following outcomes as you decide how to respond:

  • Challenges the status quo
  • Leads to change and growth
  • Encourages innovation and creativity
  • Creates energy and momentum
  • Increases engagement
  • Transforms organizations and teams


  • Encourages procrastination
  • Reduces creativity
  • Breeds apathy and confusion
  • Accepts incompetence
  • Enables status quo
  • Reduces engagement

You undoubtedly do both of these depending on the issue at hand, imposed deadlines, outside forces or personal goals and aspirations that are driving you. I believe there is a third vital factor that has a more profound impact on outcomes – the ability to make the time to create the space to reflect, consider and ponder.

  • Taps into your subconscious mind
  • Creates a space to become aware of your heart (emotions) and gut (intuition)
  • Increases confidence by making better decisions
  • Taps into your experience and accumulated wisdom
  • Creates space between you and the issue to provide valuable perspective and reduce emotional reactions

If you are a leader, improve your effectiveness by slowing down and taking the time to think critically, carefully and intuitively. When you act make sure it’s for all the right reasons in order to bring about the changes and improvement you and your organization requires.